Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is pain a healer ?

My thought is... Pain ls the healer...really ??? My thought is...Pain is the healer...really ??? Pain is the one significant element that hurdles its way towards us. It will not stop and after the suffering has been done there is freedom in thought and peace in the mind. This comes about and is provided to all of us after experiencing great seering pain....a gate way that we all must pass through ughh....some of us, heck many of us, require a push over into this spiraling vortex of a harsh jagged formation containing a substance that's of a new total acceptance of an ultimate truth and a related reality to you and your living truth and of what pain has produced in you. The pain factor that creates all these hidden truths to spike have been left unspoken by you in your lifes short journey. This corner of your mind is intense and unforgiving. This process of letting go may take you years or centuries or a day to simply understand this recipe to everlasting joy....ummmmmmm what is this ? A different way of knowing a release of some sorts...may be some form of a thinking or acting or speaking or writing ???? that scary moment of living your reveiled hidden moment your own personal illusion...finally acknowledged you step up and say...who can do this ? who has ever done this...can I do this ? ? ? Could you ever release the forbidden your burden the most ugly the most hidden the most judged thought in your mind that is intoxicating your life this real one truth not released put aside by you. You destroy you... the moment that you get it and become very brave a totally new existense here upon Mother Earth you have created. This all depends on this release of your hidden truth...and it depends totally on this your awareness to heal you ? Healing comes from this release this acknowledgement so eternally sublime... Healing will spurt forth and will not stop. Healing will fill up your empty bowl enough it will simply just fill and pour over the top and not stop...it will happen it always has beenis way forever..test it family.....100% so scary....100% so effective...100% the truth....and all this will set you free (free from you)...act on this and you will change you forever...

then thats it....you have finally woken up...you have pulled your head out of the deserts sand and you see..LIGHT...Very Bright Light...Possibly too bright for some of us to bear and we still say all is ok I can keep hurting and feeling this pain because I know if I walk the real path it will hurt more... But first you must feel the pain as we all have this opportunity to do this and maybe live it for years or days or an hour...who knows ? And then you have an ahaaaaaaaa moment. You will get it..and it has got you....

My thought is...It is now known that the brain can repair and restore certain path ways that were once not used or damaged. When one acknowledges ones secret or hurtful thing ( and we all have one of these)....pathways and connections are opened up in the brain for you to learn and experience awareness of a much more profound way. You get to experience many different thoughts coming from a higher law....you get to heal yourself by firing up your own brain.....it was said by Jesus ( an example of the great truth ) Heal thyself. Jesus practiced and showed us by example as many great Masters of Universe and Time have.....we can do the same as they were showing....it was never supposed to be elusive or exlusive... they all had came with a human brain and they used it....our intellegence is all we take with us when we move to the higher plane when our brain and it's mind will go back to dust....use it or lose it..this is eternity I talk about...it would be to long for one to roam in a desert..forever

Linda X

Your thoughts create you

My thought is...These words are so true....what you think is what you are...if you judge and critise another this is what you are...one who puts another aside...never to know truth

If you are kind and accepting of another regardless of difference....you are indeed a wise person...a truth seeker...

Which world would you like to dwell within...?

Linda X
My thought is...All one needs to do is command it..Healing
Wish..for it....not the way
What...? if only I had or could say or do....not the way
Why...? is it always meeeeee...does she/he irritate me greatly...ummm not the way
Want...it. It could be mine...poor me the victim....I winge alot...or I debate in vengeance to slam another...I feel hurt...

Now the time is here brothers and sisters to take back your power..yes you have power...don't let anyone ever put you down or aside....you came with gifts and Universal powers...we all did...we are all very unique and special beings in the plan the design our living that is here gives to us...or is it the opposite as others would want to make you feel...? So we have a choice ?

Command a change...command the knowledge and insight to come straight to you...say it out loud...I command respect and love...I command protection.... I command the right to speak and say my truth....I remind myself daily I operate from a place of love...if I didn't how dense would I feel and act.....if for some reason you feel dense and you are easy to anger then you now know all it takes is to practice unconditional love....

Linda X

Mayan Calendar

My thought is...is the Mayan Calendar is it a Protection Indicator ?
2012 this calendar does not go any further..why ?
This calendar has been very effective and more accurate than what the Hopi Indians had.
Past events in time frames have occurred and are still coming...
Who helped the Mayans with this device of Astrology ?

Maybe if we research now and do abit of study some answers may come....maybe we can protect ourselves more effectively because of just going beyond our comfort zones...fight your mind and it's poo hooing...go with your gut feelings...the library and internet are a good place to start....I too am a seeker...and will be until whatever happens....as something is always happening...thats a truth.

If we can share about this topic please do.....what do you think and who would it affect if for some reason we as simple humans suddenly came into great personal power....and I am not only talking about self - esteem....I am talking great spiritual power....what would we ...do...think...have...know...need...besides being able to walk upon water...just think about it....too out there....or better in there...ummmmm

Linda X

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pain is the Healer...

My thought is...Pain is the healer...really ??? Pain is the one significant element that hurdles its way towards us it will not stop and after the suffering has been done there is freedom in thought and peace in the mind. This comes about and is provided to all of us after experiencing great seering pain....a gate way that we all must pass through ughh....some of us, heck many of us, require a push over into this spiraling vortex of a harsh jagged formation containing a substance that's of a new total acceptance of an ultimate truth and a related reality to you and your living truth and of what pain has produced in you. The pain factor that creates all these hidden truths to spike have been left unspoken by you in your lifes short journey. This corner of your mind is intense and unforgiving. This process of letting go may take you years or centuries or a day to simply understand this recipe to everlasting joy....ummmmmmm what is this ? A different way of knowing a release of some sorts...may be some form of thinking or acting or speaking or writing ???? that scary moment of living your reveiled hidden moment your own personal illusion...finally acknowledged you step up and say...who can do this ? who has ever done this...can I do this ? ? ? Could you ever release the forbidden your burden the most ugly the most hidden the most judged thought in your mind that is intoxicating your life this real one truth not released put aside by you. You destroy you... the moment that you get it and become very brave a totally new existense here upon Mother Earth you have created. This all depends on this release of your hidden truth...and it depends totally on this your awareness to heal you ? Healing comes from this release this acknowledgement so eternally sublime... Healing will spurt forth and will not stop. Healing will fill up your empty bowl enough it will simply just fill and pour over the top and not stop...it will happen it always has beenis way forever..test it family.....100% so scary....100% so effective...100% the truth....and all this will set you free (free from you)...act on this and you will change you forever...

then thats it....you have finally woken up...you have pulled your head out of the deserts sand and you see..LIGHT...Very Bright Light...Possibly too bright for some of us to bear and we still say all is ok I can keep hurting and feeling this pain because I know if I walk the real path it will hurt more... But first you must feel the pain as we all have this opportunity to do this and maybe live it for years or days or an hour...who knows ? And then you have an ahaaaaaaaa moment. You will get it..and it has got you....

My thought is...It is now known that the brain can repair and restore certain path ways that were once not used or damaged. When one acknowledges ones secret or hurtful thing ( and we all have one of these)....pathways and connections are opened up in the brain for you to learn and experience awareness of a much more profound way. You get to experience many different thoughts coming from a higher law....you get to heal yourself by firing up your own brain.....it was said by Jesus ( an example of the great truth ) Heal thyself. Jesus practiced and showed us by example as many great Masters of Universe and Time have.....we can do the same as they were showing....it was never supposed to be elusive or exlusive... they all had came with a human brain and they used it....our intellegence is all we take with us when we move to the higher plane when our brain and it's mind will go back to dust....use it or lose it..this is eternity I talk about...it would be to long for one to roam in a desert..forever

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Sacrifice...My Covenant....it's personal.

My thought is....so many have their own views on sacrifice and a covenant God is my thought....this is my reality....does God need your/my/our money a tithe a form of structured sacrifice..I say no...others would say I am right but they would add a very big... BUT...he wants to see if you can part with this substance as it is so important to humans...yes and this is not an ultimate personal sacrifice it's just a making money venture....emotional and psychological abuse put upon on nice but sad people. My thought is... God has all and all is his....I am his and my all is his....I live a life this life is his provided for me to work within....my covenant is my story in this life and the movie that plays out....I said, Yes God I will act within this script and at the end of the misery and hardships and personal lose I have lived I will come out singing your praise a truimph in the face of the hard and I will understand my tithe is my life to God.... I will say...Praise God to all I meet I will say I made it through the fire and God saved me...my covenant recognised by me a promise with God...my tithe I live....my union with God is mine alone.....so why would I let others tell me how to find him when that is for me to do...? Do they think I might get lost ? Then why would they care ?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Peace on Earth Good will to US"

My thought is...it is the most interesting of times, as almost but not all, of whom I meet are suggesting that like minded people are gathering and sharing very advanced thoughts and giving their met and greet a very special mark of... this was a unique and enjoyable moment of time. Where one fellow is reading anothers thought and giving each other information that would have taken years and years of a friendship to gather and produce an advice or acknowledgement but not to mention a truth. Now noted as it must be...these mets and greets are with total one off strangers not met before and totally un-organised and with no structure.

These little moments are happening with full vigour and energy they are random but acknowledged as organised and with a purpose but not our design. As they all leave filled with validation of importance and loving one another, look at this.. loving a stranger. No churches in sight...No organised or authority present....just everyday people who as I have understood have lived very painful past or present earth years who have moulded these experiences into a beautiful work of living art...their lives. I believe caused by emotional or physical pain...it has brought through an evolution within their/our souls to seek and embrace pushing past the need of human to seek and destroy out of fear. So everyday people all over the world are saying around a coffee or a cuppa "I feel I know you" and the other is saying "Now how do you know that about me ? And many are saying "I just do"and giving more to each other....we as a human race of people are rapidly within a great change evolving and moving within a great energy movement where we have now the opportunity to connect to forces that were once only for a few programmed to recieve who were paving the way of acceptance into these supernatural forces operating on earth and in people now. Where does this all go too ? I soooo believe Peace on Earth Good Will to Us...